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Well, if you didn’t select the Sitemap link to get here, then you’ve arrived because the page you clicked on has been amalgamated or undergone substantial modification during the complete site rebuild in early 2019. Though the information you want is still on this site the page name may have changed due to that page-condensing process.

With almost 1,000 pages on this site all listed below you are very welcome to scroll down to find the compressor information you need. For your convenience though, why not use the search box on top of the left column to get reconnected to the page with your information, or one of the links immediately below?

I apologize for the need to disrupt some pages to make this site faster to use. Thanks for taking the time to search.


Here is the page you want for help in troubleshooting an air compressor.

Here is the page you want for compressor brand specific information and help.


Curtis Air Compressor
Old Curtis compressor can use a little help, and that can be found here on about-air-compressors.com

ABAC air compressors

About different brands of air compressors

About solenoid valve actuators

Add an air tank

Add an additional air tank to the system

Adding a second coupling

Additional air tank to dampen loads

Add another air compressor tank

Adjust Husky compressor back to factory settings

Adjust the pressure switch down

Adjust pressure cut off for I/R 375

Adjust pressure for Husky C6020H compressor

Adjusting the compressor unloader valve

Aftercooler versus filter for compressed air

Age and worth of Craftsman 919.165230

Age of my Binks compressor

Air actuators – air cylinders

Air brush compressors

Air brush TC-20 regulator handle blew off

Airbrush compressor for cake decorating

Air brush compressor needs a tank

Air brush connector will not connect

Airbrush compressor leaks air under pump

Air coming out of the unloader valve

Air comes out of the compressor intake filter or port

Air comes out of the oil fill cap

Air compressor blowing circuit

Air compressor bogs down

Air compressor not unloading

Air compressor parts

Air compressor wiring – 110 or 220

Air compressor won’t throttle up

Air cylinders

Air cylinder flow controls

Air dryer and compressor tank location

Air escaping from Speedaire 3Z180 air compressor pump

Air fittings questions

Air flow from compressor tanks

Air forced out of PRV on Husky compressor

Air gauges

Air leaking at the unloader valve on the pressure switch

Air leaking from Husky compressors

Air line lubricators

Air line for UTC 1106C

Air lines

Air muscle pneumatic actuator

Air over oil cylinder control

Air regulator adjusting issues

Air supply for flooring nail gun

Air tanks

Air tube

Air valve on compressor is popping off

Alltrade air compressors

Alton air compressors

Alton air compressor won’t turn on

Antlia air compressors

Any idea who made this compressor pump

Atlas Copco air compressors

Atlas Copco Elektronikon controllers

Atlas Copco GA series compressors

Atlas XAS 185 JD7 will not stay on

Atlas Copco XAS300 (XAX300) temp unack fault

Atlas Copco XAS375 has JDEC warning

Atlas Copco XAS375 UnAck message

Atlas Copco XAS756 has error code

Atlas Copco GA 37 element overheat

Atlas Copco GA 75 air compressors

Auto drains for compressor tanks

Average air tool SCFM

B5900 pump repair steps

Badger air brush compressor is how good

Bambi air compressors

….additional pages about Bambi air compressors.

Band cylinders

Basic compressor maintenance guide

Beautifully restored air compressors

Belaire air compressors

Belaire compressor motor shuts down

Belaire 318V compressor hums on startup

Ben Patents air compressor

Best for airbrush compressor – bleed or non-bleed type

Best indoor compressor for a barber shop

Binford pressure valve opens

Binks air compressors

Binks 33-517 parts search

Blow gun not working

Blowing fuse on CH compressor

Blowing out sprinklers

Blowing out water pipes

Blow of pressure for a Speedaire 3Z405

Blows breaker after a few revolutions

Blows breaker (compressor)

Bogs down while running

Bostitch air compressors

….additional pages about Bostitch air compressors.

Brand nailer air tank you can take anywhere

Brand new compressor won’t run

Broken compressor cooling fan

Broken compressor pressure switch

Broken compressor switch manifold

Broomwade AC10 pressure switch issue

Brunner air compressors

Brunner air compressor 1957 needs help

Brute air compressors

Brute air compressor oil

Brute replacement valves

Burnt oil smell coming from compressor

Building a compressor using this Speedaire pump

Buying a compressor pressure switch

Buying an air compressor

Buying a replacement compressor tank check valve

Cable cylinders

Calculating CFM

Calculate CFM of an air compressor

Campbell Hausfeld air compressors

…additional pages about Campbell Hausfeld air compressors:

Can this compressor run my HVLP spry gun

CAP 60 has low pressure

Capacitor for a 67847 compressor

Can 1/3 hp air brush compressor handle a 5 gallon tank?

Can crusher

Can I lay my compressor down

Can I put two tanks on one compressor

Can you tell me anything about this Saylor-Beall compressor

Can’t get compressor to fill over 47 PSI

Can’t turn regulator knob on Windstorm airbrush compressor

Capacitor keeps blowing

Central Pneumatic air compressors

…additional pages about Central Pneumatic (Harbor Freight) air compressors:

CFM for sandblasting

CFM – SCFM compressor flow issues

CFM rating of Sanborn Black Max air compressor

Champion air compressors

Champion R-15 compressor pumping slowly

Champion centrifugal valve will not close

Champion VR5-8 low oil switch tripping

Change compressor wall plug from 220 V

Change the compressor oil (how to)

Change oil in Speedaire air compressor

Changing to a different oil in Jun-Air compressor

Changing compressor motor voltages

Charge Air Pro air compressors

Charge Air Pro ir5e30 parts

Charge Air Pro replacement part

Charge Air Pro getting hotter than normal

Clarke air compressors

Clarke SC16C150 keeps shutting off

Clarke Champ pancake compressor broken fitting

Clarke compressor sometimes won’t start

Clarke Rebel 60 240v capacitor casing has melted

Clean check valve on a Coleman air compressor

Cleaning inside of a compressor tank

Clear trouble code in an Ingersoll Rand compressor

Coalescent filter

Coleman Powermate air compressors

Combining two air compressors

Common fix for tripping breaker

Compair air compressors

Complaint about Campbell Hausfeld pressure switch

Compressed air

Compressed air applications

Compressed air how to

Compressed air manifolds

Compressed air treatment

Compression fitting size

Compressor accessories

Compressor air lines freeze up

Compressor blows motor breaker

Compressor blows breaker or fuse while running

Compressor by Ben Patents Ltd.

Compressor can’t keep up with air tool

Compressor cut off not working

Compressor cuts off on refill

Compressor for sand blaster

Compressor gaskets

Compressor has an oil issue

Compressor hums and stops

Compressor location

Compressor loses pressure quickly

Compressor motor popping the reset

Compressor motor problems

Compressor motor surging

Compressor motor sparking and smoking

Compressor pressure problem

Compressor PRV issues

Compressor PRV opens

Compressor repair

Compressor runs but never reaches stopping pressure?

Compressor runs five seconds then trips breaker

Compressor runs only when reset button is held

Compressor sizing

Compressor shuts down before reaching pressure

Compressor slows and stops

Compressor starts and stops

Compressor struggling to restart

Compressor tank exploded

Compressor to run 4 nail guns

Compressor unloader leaking continuously

Compressor water

Compressor – why not build pressure

Compressor will not build pressure

Compressor will not shut off

Compressor will not start

Compressor will not cut off

Compressor will not start unless tank empty

Compressor will not re-start

Compressor will not start cold

Compressor with HP motor will not start

Compressor won’t pump at 80-90 PSI

Compressor won’t run air tool

Compressor won’t shut off like it should

Compressor won’t start with air in tank

Condensate is a problem in air lines

Condor pressure switch leaking

Connect an air line

Connectors (compressed air)

Construction compressors

Control valve actuators

Converting compressor motor voltage

Cost of compressors

Couplers (compressed air)

Craftsman air compressors main page

additional pages about Craftsman air compressors:

Critical error on Sigma controller

Curtis air compressors

Cylinders (air)

Cylinder air consumption

Cylinder cushions

Davey air compressors

Dayton 3Z960 inter-cooler lines

Dealing with compressor generated water

Desiccant compressed air dryer

Determine model number of Sanborn air compressor to find parts

Deliquescent compressed air dryer

Devair air compressors

DeVilbiss air compressors

DeVilbiss model 342 oil type

DeWalt air compressors

DeVilbiss prfbc-5525-vp blows breaker

DeWalt 55141 won’t stop at desired pressure

DeWalt D55146 leaks air around regulator knob

DeWalt 55146 starting stopping issues

DeWalt 55146 has regulator issue

DeWalt 55145 will not shut off

DeWalt 55146 does not shut down

DeWalt 55146 has slow pressure build


Diaphragm for a 47065 compressor

Diaphragm – rolling lobe air cylinder

Difference between SCFM for tools and compressors

Difference between I/M and NPT

Direction of compressor flywheel

Does a true 3/8″ I.D. hose still have 1/4″ fittings

Do I need an unloader valve on my switch

Does a Campbell Hausfeld Powerpal compressor need oil

Does a compressor tank need more than one port

Is a higher CFM die grinder better than a low CFM one

Does draining the compressor tank really make a difference

Double acting air cylinders

Drain cap came loose and fell in tank

Drain Porter Cable after each use

Drain or don’t drain a compressor tank

Draw a 5-3 (5/3) compressed air valve

Drips per minute for an air line lubricator

Dual air compressor set up

Duty cycle

Duty cycle of a Kobalt compressor model # 0300841

Electric troubleshooting air compressors

Elektronikon code list

Elektronikon controller not working

Emglo air compressors

Emglo air compressor problems

Emglo air compressor does not build full pressure

Emglo has leaking check valve

Emglo Airmate has air leaking from oil fill vents

Emglo – Jenny pump information

Emglo Airmate does not shut off

Emglo KU motor size and filter

Energair 1 information needed

Engine shuts down when tank full instead of idling

Engine dies when throttling back up

Estimating pressure drop

Fenwai pressure switch rebuild

Fini Biscuit compressor has low pressure

Fill an air tank (how long to)

Fill time change on IR T-30

Filters (compressed air)

Filter size

Filter for air tools

Fini air compressors

Fini 1.2 gallon air boss

Fittings (NPT etc.)

Fitting and hose size and air flow

Fixing an air regulator

Fix a PRV

Fuse for Central Pneumatic 60637 air compressor

GA37 converter timeout

GA 55 shuts down on high temperature warning

GA 90 temperature element warning

GA 90 remote start / stop circuit

GX5 Atlas Copco keeps overheating

Gallons to cubic feet (air tank size)

Galvanized pipe for air lines (is it OK to use)

Gardner Denver air compressors

Gasoline / diesel powered air compressors

Gentilin C330/20 leaking air inter-stage

Get fuse for Central Pneumatic 97800

Getting started with air brushing

Gilbarco air compressors

Gilbarco air compressor information

Grimmer Schmidt bogging down

Grimmer Schmidt won’t hold air

Gripper air cylinders

Had unidentified part on Speedaire air compressor

Harbor Freight Air Compressors

…additional pages about Harbor Freight air compressors

Heard a spark and compressor won’t start

Heat exchangers for compressors

Help identify this Rand 4000

Help identifying old green compressor

Help identifying old compressor pump for parts

Help finding parts for Snap On air compressor

Help identifying this old I/R air compressor

Help with my Ingersoll Rand 4000-ra250e12 air compressor

Help with older Binks compressor

Help with size and RPM of motor for this compressor

Hitachi air compressors

Hitachi EC 12 won’t start

Hitachi won’t fill, motor runs great

Home made compressor

Home page

Hose – air hose

How do I know if the compressor tank is safe

How long will this air tool run

How long should a compressor hold air

How much oil for a DevilBiss Pro Air II

How much oil for a Speedaire 3Z419 compressor

How old is a Kellogg 36-TV compressor

How to buy a compressor motor thermal reset switch

How to connect 3/8 hose to 1/4 compressor

How to dismount a scored crank on a Craftsman compressor

How to draw a 5/2 style air valve

How to drain the compressor tank

How to plumb a ball filler

How to replace a broken air intake filter

Humming air compressor

Husky air compressors

…additional pages about Husky air compressors:

Hydrovane air compressors

Hydrovane setup help

Identify an older Speedaire air compressor

Identify this twin piston, single stage compressor (Brunner?)

Identify Lux compressor for information

Identifying an older air compressor

Identifying parts for a DeVilbiss 230 compressor

Identify this 1940’s air compressor

Impact wrench air consumption

Impact wrench has loss of pressure during use

Increase SCFM

Increasing tank pressure

Increase CFM of Atlas Copco compressor

Increasing compressor pressure and CFM

I need a new compressor tank

Inflate a stand up paddle board

Info on a 1978 Sears-DeVilbiss-Doerr air compressor

Info on this vintage air compressor

Information about this old Binks 106 air compressor

Information about a different brand of air compressor needed

Information on an Ingersoll Rand ra250e20 air compressor

Information needed about a Sanborn Magna Force m109c400-20 compressor

Information about Speedaire air compressors

Information about the United States compressor company of Cleveland

Information needed on this 1953 air compressor

Ingersoll Rand air compressors

….additional pages about Ingersoll Rand air compressors.

Iwata air brush compressors

Is my compressor big enough

Is this a Kelvinator compressor with a riveted air tank


Jobsmart air compressors

…additional pages about Jobsmart air compressors:

John Deere air compressors

Jun Air air compressors

Jun Air 6-25 quit working

Jun Air pressure switch has bad connection

Jun Air 4000m-150b compressor cycle

Jun Air is overfilling with air

Kaeser air compressors

Kaeser air compressor overheating and shutting down

Kaeser SM11 had back pressure error

Kaeser compressor critical error 300A

Kaeser SM11 fault code DM1

Kargard 755752 compressor information

Kellogg American air compressors

Kellogg American A320A

Kobalt air compressors

….additional pages about Kobalt air compressors.

Large plugged holes in compressor tank

Lefoo LF10-4H pressure switch unloader

Lubricators for air systems

Lay my compressor down

Lay a vertical 5.5 HP compressor flat

Line comes off the pressure switch

Looking for Curtis air compressor parts

Looking for information on this old blue air compressor

Looking for parts for Montgomery Ward air compressors

Lots of water being discharged from the compressor receiver every day?

Magnetically coupled air cylinders

Make your own compressor manifold

Makita air compressors

Makita 5200 reset keeps tripping

Makita Mac5200 compressor dead

Makita runs and builds air but

Makita 700 pressure switch will not turn on

Makita MAC700 only builds to 40 PSI

Mastercraft air compressors

Mastercraft 8G compressor doesn’t start

Mastercraft compressor will not start

Maximum RPM for an Emglo KU pump

Mech Power air compressors

Mech Power M90002 pressure switch broke

Melben air compressors

Messed up switch wiring on Snap On ACD 5120H air compressor

Metal Filter Bowls for compressed air

Metric fittings

Minimum regulator distance

Model 47065 switch leaking

Model and name for this compressor

Model number for Curtis compressor

Montgomery Ward air compressors

Montgomery Ward air compressor won’t pressurize

Motor converter timeouts on Atlas Copco

Motor hums and compressor won’t start

Motor reset always trips (compressor motor)

Motor stops turning on Campbell Hausfeld

Motor specifications for a T-30 single phase

Motor turns slow and trips the breaker

MPAC 521 – Master Power compressor issues

Multiple issues with with a Kobalt F226VWLVP compressor

My compressor will not build pressure

NAPA air compressors

Napa brand is Douglas air

Need assistance to rebuild this old compressor

Need impact wrench for lug nuts

Need manual for older Black Max compressor

New IR air compressor won’t build pressure

Newman 5 HP air compressor issues

New Porter Cable compressor leaking air

New Sanborn will not start

Noisy unloader valve

No air out of hose

Non-repairable air cylinders

Odd ball Harbor Freight compressor fuses

Oil change in an old Sears compressor

Oil for old Jun Air model 6

Oil getting into Binks compressor tank

Oil in Ingersoll Rand tank and drain water

Oil intake on Ingersoll Rand 720

Oil in the air in an Ingersoll Rand EP50SE rotary air compressor

Oil leaking from Central Pneumatic 95386 gasket

Oil related issues

Oil spilling from Harbor Freight compressor

Old Champion air compressor bleeding out air

Old Honeywell air compressor

Old Speedaire identification

P-185 stalling

Paasche air brush compressors

Paasche D500 starts and stops

Par air compressors

Parts for a Campbell Hausfeld TF0018 compressor

Parts recommendation for a CP 94667 compressor

Parts for a 95275 Central Pneumatic compressor

Parts for a Central Pneumatic 40400

Parts for Central Pneumatic 33898

Parts for Clarke Champ Air compressor

Parts for Melben air compressor

Parts for Montgomery Ward XER6409 compressor

Parts for a Pro Source td2006a model

Parts for a UST 110C air compressor

Patent number 4065237 that’s all

Performax air compressors

Picking a compressor

Pilot unloader valves for compressors

Piston head heats up and capacitor blows

Pipe size for plumbing air over a distance

Plastic hose blows out of pressure switch

Plastic piping for compressed air

Please look at this compressor – I have a few questions

Plumbing compressed air

Plumbing a Craftsman 33 gallon air compressor

Plumbing a tank

Plumbing a second air compressor

Portable air compressors

Portable air for brad nailer tank

Porter Cable air compressors

…additional pages about Porter Cable air compressors:

Power for Wayne / LeRoi Dresser 440

Power supply (compressor)

Pressure buildup in sump of Clarke compressor

Pressure drop in air lines

Pressure drop in HVLP paint sprayer

Pressure relief valve faulty

Pressure required for die grinder

Pressure switch

Pressure switch for CP 40400

Pressure switch adjustment

Pressure switch contacts keep burning out

Pressure switch issues

Pressure switch for a United States air compressor

Pressure switch E247030

Privacy policy

Pro Source compressor won’t build past 25 PSI

PRV – Pressure relief valves

…here’s more information on this site about pressure relief valves:

Pulley size for a T-30 compressor

Puma air compressors

Pump blowing oil out the breather hole

Pump identification

Pumps for air compressors

Pump issue with Quincy 325

Pump pulley rotation – is it important

Put my pressure switch back together

Putting a drain valve on a compressor tank

Putting a pressure switch back together

PVC air lines

PVC pipe swelling and bursting

Quietest air brush compressor for an apartment

Quincy air compressors

Quincy single phase won’t turn on?

Quincy compressor showing dew point fault

Quincy 310 unloader leaks

RA 250e20 user manual

R-30D has air coming out of governor housing

Ran Jun Air out of oil

Reduce water escaping air compressor tank


Regulator issues on Central Pneumatic air compressors

Regulator knob will not turn

Repair for model TC-20 air brush air compressor

Replace capacitor in 1998 Clarke compressor

Replacement contacts for Ingersoll Rand compressor switch

Replacement parts for Alton compressor

Runs and pumps but builds little or no pressure

Rebuild this old compressor

Reasons why an air compressor will not start

Receivers – tanks for air compressors

Reciprocating air compressors

Reed valve failure

Reed valves (make your own)

Reed valve material

Regulators (air regulators)

Regulators leaks (why regulators leak)

Regulator questions

Regulator leaking on Craftsman air compressor

Regulator hissing – leaking air

Regulator on Kobalt compressor broken

Regulator knob replacement on Sanborn

Removing the case from a Bostitch CAP60OF air compressor

Repairable air cylinders

Replace piston ring on Kobalt VLK158209 compressor

Replace spring in pressure switch

Replace bad pressure switch on Speedaire compressor

Reset button on a DeWalt 55168

Reset service hours on a Hydrovane HV37

Resurrected DeVilbiss 44633 compressor

Reviews on Performax 26 gallon compressor

Ridgid air compressors

Ridgid dual tank compressor will not shut off

Ridgid air compressor pops breaker

Ridgid OF45150 compressor vibrating

Rodless air cylinders

Rolair air compressors

Rolling lobe air cylinder

Rotary actuators (rotary cylinders)

Rotary screw air compressors

Rotary – Vane – Screw compressors and other types

Sanborn Magna Force 3 HP compressor will not run

Sanborn Air Compressors

…additional pages about Sanborn air compressors:

Sandwich regulators for compressed air valves

Saylor-Beall air compressors

Scuba tank to run air tools

Sears air compressors

… additional pages about Sears (Craftsman) air compressors:

Senco PC1131 air compressor won’t start

Serial number on Kobalt air compressor

Setting up and operating an air line lubricator

Should intake valve be blowing air out

Should you leave air in an idle compressor

Shut off pressure of Craftsman 919.167783 compressor

Sideloading air cylinders

Single acting air cylinders


Sizing an air compressor

Size of compressor tank discharge port

Smith tow behind will not idle down

Snap on air compressors

Snap On bra7180v- controls schematic

Soft start valves

Solenoid piloted air valves

Some compressor repair issues

Source for CP 40400 pressure regulator

Sourcing parts for a DeVilbiss 330 air compressor

Speedaire air compressors

…additional pages about Speedaire air compressors:

Speedway 03939 parts availability

Speedway series manual and information

Sperre HV1/140 compressor blowing off air

Spray gun and compressor size

Spray texturing

Spraying stucco

Start capacitor keeps blowing

Start valve for CP 67847

Strange TC-20 air brush compressor problem

Sullair air compressors

…additional information pages about Sullair air compressors:

T-30 compressor rotation direction

T-30 HP and CFM

Tanks for compressors

Tank check valve

Tank drain valve doesn’t drain

Tank for a van

Tank rating for very old Kellogg compressor

Tank recycling

Tank pressure margins

Tank size issues

Tap size for a 1/4 inch fitting

Task Force air compressors

Task Force 129278 compressor parts

Testing capacitors

Thermal switch popping on Harbor Freight compressor

Time to fill a Gilbarco 80 gallon tank

Titan industrial air compressors (US made)

Titan pulley flies off

Titan air compressors South Africa

Too much oil damaged my air compressor

Tow behind air compressors

Troubleshooting Atlas Copco problem

Troubleshooting compressors one

Troubleshooting expansion module on Atlas Copco compressor

Troubleshooting Holman Compair air compressor

Troubleshooting your Compressor

Troubleshooting compressors three (smoking, too hot)

Troubleshooting a Craftsman 919.152811

TSC air compressors

Underground air line

Understanding some Sullair fault codes

Unidentified Kellogg America break shoe compressor

United States air compressor company

Unloader valves

Unloader valve issues

Unloader valve problems

Unloader valve leaks when the compressor is running

Unloader valve hose for 40400 compressor

Unloader not functioning or not present

Unscrew top on a Husky 1506F compressor

U.S. General 66V air compressor

Use 575 Volt IR compressor at home

Use ATF in a P-185

Use propane tank for air compressor

Using a Mastercraft compressor in the basement

Using propane tanks to aerate a pond

Using a compressor as an air tank

UST air compressors

…additional pages about UST air compressors:

Value of Big Red air compressor

Valves (air valves, control valves)

Valve 3/2 configuration

Valve 4/2 configuration

Valve – 5/2 configuration

Valve – 5/3 configuration

Vane air compressors

Vintage 1976 Jun Air

Vintage DeVilbiss air compressor

VT619503AJ air compressor makes squealing sound

VT623300aj runs slower then trips breaker

Want to rebuild this compressor but cannot identify it

Wattage for a 3.5 HP compressor

Wayne air compressors

Westinghouse Air Brake compressor parts

What air pipe to use to plumb air

What air sanders can I use

What capacitor does my compressor need

What compressor do I have here

What does JDEC warning mean

What is my compressor worth

What is PSI on my airbrush air compressor

What model of Craftsman compressor and how to check the oil

What motor HP for a Hayward Hallett air compressor

What motor size for a DeVilbiss 220 pump?

What is the oil capacity of a Speedaire 2z157b

What oil type in Ingersoll Rand compressor

What oil for old Jacuzzi air compressor

What oil for a 20 gallon Snap On air compressor

What oil for my Speedaire air compressor

What oil for this Husky compressor

What oil for a Sullivan 185 compressor

What size extension cord for an air compressor

What the compressor unloader does on my compressor

When using my nail gun the compressor won’t shut off

Where are Craftsman compressors made

Where is a serial number on Husky compressor

Where is the check valve on my Le Roi Dresser compressor

Which way to turn pump on a Scaiffe compressor

Why does my compressor line get hot?

Why does oil come out of the fill

Why is there no water in my compressor tank

Will my air tools run with my 100′ hose

Will not build pressure (air compressor)

Will not stop running (air compressor)

Wiring diagram for Ingersoll Rand 7.5 HP capacitors

Wiring a Quincy 5 HP compressor motor

WL651402 won’t restart

WL670100AJ only builds to 90 PSI

Won’t shoot nails

XAMS 286 CD not responding

XAS 273 has stop failure

XAS 375 Unack fault code

XAS 447 has lamp warning

Year of this unknown air compressor

5/3 center close valve default position

ZT 37 converter motor failure

1/4″ outlet x 3/8″ hose – what’s the point

and… back to the top!