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Wayne Compressors – Information, Parts, Manuals, Service Locations

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This page will provide you with as much relevant information as possible about Wayne air compressors, where you can seek help, download manuals, and navigate existing problems and solutions available on this site.

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Wayne Information

Wayne-Vaughn Equipment Company is the area’s leading distributor of airpower products and services. Headquartered in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Wayne-Vaughn has provided innovative solutions, reliable and professional product installations nationwide for many years.

Since its inception in 1945, Wayne-Vaughn has developed the knowledge base needed to cost-effectively provide for all your business airpower needs. Wayne-Vaughn is your single source for complete air systems—air compressors, dryers, blowers, and filtration equipment.

A visitor sent in:

“Whatever happened to the Wayne Compressors Company. I have a large upright twin-cylinder Wayne Compressor. These were very popular in a lot of service stations in California. Mine is still running pretty well but will no longer make pressure above about 120 pounds.

It used to run at about 175 pounds for years. I expect the valves and rings are worn. But I cannot seem to find any information on this manufacturer or anything source for parts either.

This was not a fly-by-night company and I’m surprised that there is virtually no information available on these. Whatever happened to the Wayne Pump Company of Wayne Indiana ? ? ?”

Wayne Compressors – Information, Parts, Manuals, Service Locations
A vintage Wayne air compressor

Well, we have done some research, and this may be part of the story, Ron:

“On June 11, 1943, the assets of Equipment Corporation were acquired by the Wayne Pump Company and moved to Fort Wayne, Indiana. Six years later, following the purchase of the company by C.J. Symington, the Wayne Pump Company merged with the Martin & Schwartz Company from Salisbury, Maryland. Symington combined the field working group and the senior management group of Martin & Schwartz with the Wayne Pump Company name and location. In 1951, poor labor conditions and a strike in Fort Wayne forced Symington to move the Hose Reel Division and the Gasoline Pump Division back to Salisbury, Maryland, leaving the Air Compressor Division as the only product line left in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

During the late 1950s, the Wayne Pump Company name was changed to Symington – Wayne to include the Symington – Gould Company in Depew, New York. In the next ten years, the Symington – Wayne Company would experience more changes than just its name. The following decade saw controlling interest change to Dresser Industries.”

Wayne Contact Information

If you wish to try your luck with them anyway, the Wayne Vaughn contact info is:

716 East Wayne Street
Fort Wayne,

Indiana 46802
T: 1-877-655-6804 — Toll-Free
T: 1-260-424-4044 — Local
F: 1-260-424-0849 — Fax

You have to wonder about the coincidence of Wayne compressors of Wayne Indiana and Wayne Vaughn of Fort Wayne, Indiana, don’t you?

Maybe you could shed some light on the Wayne compressors company? If so, please add questions and upload any photos you have below. It seems a lot of folks are interested.

Thanks, to Roger for suggesting, and for Victor’s Shop for making the following video on the restoration of a Wayne air compressor. A good watch, and very well made. Enjoy!

Wayne Air Compressor Manuals

If you’re struggling to locate your Wayne air compressor manual, the best place to find it is by visiting the support page of their website where you can leave your request and a representative will hopefully return your message with an attached manual.

Wayne Air Compressor Troubleshooting, Problems & Fixes

Have you had an issue with your Wayne air compressor? Or are you looking for Wayne air compressor replacement parts?

After reading and reviewing the general air compressor troubleshooting page (which offers solutions to many common air compressor problems) if you cannot find your answer, then please post a question.

To help others that might be having the same type of problem with their Wayne Air Compressors as you may be having, please add your comments to any existing post using the comments link. If you have a digital format of a Wayne air compressor manual to share, please contact me via the contact page!

We all thank you for sharing your Wayne air compressor knowledge.

This site has a post from visitor about Wayne air compressors:

It says “Wayne-Vaughn Equipment Company in Fort Wayne, Indiana sent me a PDF manual for mine (a Wayne air compressor), which is a model #5163HG. They only have the complete valve assemblies in stock. No other parts are available. In the picture of the tag, the top number is the model# and the bottom number is the serial#. The number for Wayne-Vaughn parts is 877-655-6804 X-202. I talked to Tom and he was most helpful and quite patient. He told me about the history of my particular model (last made in 1950). Hope this helps. Good Luck.

Update: November 2019. Our thanks to Larry who says.. ” Just got a hold of Wayne-Vaughn Equipment. They no longer sell parts for Wayne compressors. They told me the best option is to scrap the pump.”

Existing Wayne air compressors questions on our site:

Power for a Wayne – Leroi Dresser 440A

If you have any questions about Wayne compressors then please leave a comment below, with photos if applicable, so that someone can help you!

By Bill Wade

About Air Compressors has been helping folks with their Air Compressor Problems since 2002 online. We're a community of DIY and Compressed Air professionals who are keen to support everyone across the globe with their air compressor issues and troubleshooting. Whether you're trying to identify an old air compressor, or troubleshoot an error code on a sophisticated new industrial air compressor - the community at About-Air-Compressors.com is here to help you

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