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How to Quiet an Oilless Air Compressor

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Air compressors are one of the most used machines in not only workshops but also home improvements and DIY projects. Air compressors operate some of the most powerful tools in each workshop, and this power comes with loud noise.

Generally, air compressors produce 80 dB to 90 dB of noise that is actually a bad sign for every human being and it can cause hearing loss. There are numerous reasons as to why oilless air compressors become louder, with the most common being vibration, friction, air intake and exhaust.

This article will present to you numerous methods on how to quiet your oilless air compressor and reduce the decibels of noise it creates!

Table of Contents

How to Quiet an Oilless Air Compressor Methods

Here are some tips on how to make an oilless air compressor quieter. I’m not sure which one will be the best option for you so make sure you read each to make an informed decision.

Isolate the Oilless Compressor with a Noise Proof Box

It seems to be impossible to fully isolate an oilless air compressor but, it is possible to form a sound proofing area around it and leave the ventilation area for the air intake and power outlets.

An example for insulating the air compressor is an isolation box to provide noise-free or reduction to your operations. You can design and create a separate box for it and have the walls made up of sound-deadening material like acoustic foam so that you have a silent operation.

You must be aware that placing your oilless air compressor inside a box may cause the compressor to overheat or not allow air into the air intake properly. So to avoid this, you must build a box large enough and has proper ventilation to dissipate the heat easily as well as providing room for the air intake. Include cut outs for your exhaust and power outlets.

If moving your air compressor is an option, then you should consider keeping it at a reasonable distance from your workspace. You could be able to reduce the noise by as much as 25% if you were to situate the compressor in a room of its own.

Placing it outside may also be an option, but you’ll want to ensure it doesn’t affect the compressors performance. Therefore, you must conduct regular maintenance checks, plenty of protection from the elements and ample ventilation.

Cover the Oilless Compressor Intake with a Muffler

A muffler, or otherwise known as a silencer, is a device that helps to reduce the airborne noise of the engine, so that the machine can produce less noise without an effect on its performance. Visit our Compressed Air Silencers Guide for more information!

This method will definitely help you reduce the noise levels and is one of the most successful ways to reduce the noise of an oilless air compressor!

Much like a car has an exhaust muffler, you can attach these devices to your oilless compressor to help decrease noise levels by around 2 decibels. The devices include a silencing component and an air filter that’s best fit for your air compressor while also helping you get the job done.

If possible, consider installing the oilless air compressor intake outside. As the intake is typically the culprit for the majority of the noise on a compressor, completely moving all the loud operations outside is a successful way to bring the noise levels down.

Here’s an example of an air compressor silencer that is readily available on Amazon.

Modify the Oilless Compressor to Reduce the Overall Noise

A great way to reduce the noise levels on your oilless air compressor is by making a few modifications. The easiest – cover the machine with a sound blanket. A sound blanket or sheet will absorb the mid-to-high frequency sounds that are produced by the piston-cylinder. This is an affordable and easy approach.

You could also install rubber grommets to secure the motor which can result in significant sound muffling. Rubber is a great sound absorption, and so adding rubber grommets can be an easy solution to bringing the decibels down on an oilless compressor.

The rubber grommets are available in a variety of different types and sizes, so you should certainly make use of them on your oilless compressor to achieve a more peaceful work environment.

Conduct Regular Oilless Compressor Maintenance and Cleaning

It’s very important to stay on top of the maintenance and cleaning of the oilless compressor. Regular cleaning and maintenance do not just apply to compressors outside. Ensuring that all metal parts are regularly lubricated and oiled and air filters are kept clean and free from clogging are some but a few ways to help keep the sound down.

Check the oilless compressor regularly to ensure it is operating as optimally as the day you acquired it. Maintenance will include changing valves, gaskets, and belts when necessary. Hiring an expert to conduct maintenance can really help extend the life of your equipment.

Wrap Oilless Compressor Motor with Sound Deadening Material

Wrapping your oilless compressor motor with a sound deadening material, they’re one of the best materials for reducing the noise level of any machine. Sound deadening materials are often used on car engines and can help you reduce noise levels by anything between 20% to 30%, which is significant on an oilless air compressor.

Something like this Siless Liner may be perfect for you, with a variety of sizes available for very affordable prices. Though this is not specifically for air compressors, but instead for cars, it will work effectively! You will be able to find specific sound deadening mats suitable for air compressors if you conduct thorough searches.

Seek Expert Advice

I can only provide you with guidance or a few tips on how to reduce the noise of your oilless air compressor. However, a professional will be able to analyze your oilless compressor and notice any changes in the sound that you may have become accustomed to.

You may be able to conduct the routine maintenance and quick fixes by yourself but sometimes it may be necessary to call in an expert who knows the machine inside out.

Invest in a Quality and Quiet Oilless Air Compressor

In some cases, you may instead wish to invest in a new quality and quiet oilless air compressor. You should typically aim for noise levels lower than 70 dB and ensure they are good brands so that you can rely on the oilless air compressor.

I will now provide a few great examples that are readily available on Amazon!

First up is this amazon choice Makita MAC100Q quiet series air compressor. This compressor is a small portable unit that boasts only 58 dB of noise, making it ideal for indoor use.

Next up is this bigger California Air Tools 10020CHAD ultra quiet & oilless air compressor. The compressor produces 70 dB of noise along with 2 HP.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

How do I reduce the sound of my oilless air compressor?

To reduce the sound of your oilless air compressor you should consider adding a muffler to the air intake, isolate the compressor in a soundproof box, modify the compressor by installing rubber grommets to absorb the sound, or cover/wrap the compressor in a sound blanket or sound deadening material.

Are oiled air compressors quieter?

Oil-lubricated air compressors tend to be a lot less noisy than oilless air compressors. The oil-lubricated allows them to run more quietly. This is very important to consider if you wish to use the compressor in a quiet environment.

Additional oil reading:

If you have any questions regarding how to quiet an oilless air compressor, please leave a comment below, with a photo if applicable, so that someone can help you!

By Aidan Weeks

A passionate Mechanical Engineer with endless enthusiasm for fluid power - building off the back of over 18 years of high quality contribution and discussion stimulated by Bill Wade here at About Air Compressors. With both practical and theoretical experience in pneumatics and hydraulics, I'm putting my knowledge to work - and working my grey-matter through my research, assistance and publishing work here at About Air Compressors. Feel free to reach out any time! P.S. A HUGE shout out to Doug who really offers such great value to all visitors to About Air Compressors - once again, feeling like I'm standing on the shoulders of GIANTS by getting to work alongside such a great community

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