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Best Air Compressors For Nail Gun

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If you find yourself a dab hand at DIY, you might have been looking for a nail gun that really helps you drive home a lot of metal into wood and other objects. You’ll want something that can fire many nails at one without malfunctioning.

If you are tackling a large renovation project such as a house fit, then firing in many nails at once will be very important for your needs. There are always different types of compressors for your needs, each one operating at different PSI levels.

A PSI indicates how many pounds per square inch you can drive home. The higher the PSI, then the more nails that you can drive into the wall.

You’ll also want an air compressor that is safe to use, with lubrication that allows you to fire out your nails smoothly and efficiently.

So where can you get the best air compressor that will fit your nail gun? What features do the best air guns have? What materials should a really good nail gun be made from? How much will you have to pay for a top-of-the-range compressor?

Well, if you want the answer to these questions and a whole lot more, then we would suggest that you keep reading. We have compiled a list of some of the best compressors that you can currently get on the market.

We also have a buyer’s guide and some frequently asked questions that will help you when you are shopping for a new air compressor.

Table of Contents

Best Air Compressors For Nail Gun

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2.0 HP Big Bore Air Compressor

Our first air compressor has plenty of features that will be perfect for the more adept DIY enthusiast. It comes with a very low amp draw and an oil lubricated cooler that will mean you won’t absorb too much electricity when you are using it.

It also has a roll bar handle, which will allow you to wheel it from one place to another – introducing 2.0 HP Big Bore Air Compressor.

This air compressor will run at around 1,730 RPM, which is quite a fast operation, meaning that you can make your way through plenty of nails without experiencing any difficulty.

This has a 2.6 gallon tank, meaning that you find yourself running low on pressure before you get to the end of your job.

This has plenty of additional roll bars and loop handles which will really help you to move it from the back of your pickup truck and into your house.

This is great for any handyman who is planning on setting up their own business and wants a nail gun operator that is quick and effective.


  • This compressor has a very reliable performance, making it perfect for anyone who runs a business and is relying on doing a good job of things.
  • This has a very low running operation, so you won’t have to worry about waking the neighbors or causing a racket through intense nailing all day and night.
  • This runs very quickly, allowing you plenty of power, meaning that you can hammer more nails into wood, metal or plastic in super-quick time.
  • This is a very portable unit, so if you are going to be traveling around, then we would recommend picking up this unit.


  • The gauges are not protected, so you might have to fit your own at extra cost.

Craftsman Air Compressor

This next air compressor is probably the best in terms of low maintenance solutions. You won’t have to shell out that much money on repairs for this one, so if you are strapped for cash, then we would highly recommend this unit.

This has a single-handed operation for ease of use and rubber feet to stop movement – introducing Craftsman Air Compressor.

This has a cold weather operation, making it one of the best units that you can use in colder climates. This will run very well every time, so if you have a DIY business, then you can be sure that this will not let you down.

This will give you silent operation no matter how fast and high you have cranked the machine.

This has rubber feet, which helps keep the machine in place, but it also stops vibrations through the floor and will minimize the overall noise of your device. This requires very little repairs and will run perfectly well by itself.


  • Even though you should always wear ear protection when operating a gun like this, you can be sure that you’ll have everything you need to minimize noise.
  • This runs very well in cold weather, which is perfect for a business that operates in cold climates – put yourself ahead of the rest!
  • This has a 6-gallon pancake tank, so you won’t have to concern yourself with it running out during the middle of an intensive job.
  • This contains zero oil, so you won’t have to worry about pollution and the additional costs of buying fuel.


  • This machine can be quite noisy, so if you are working in a built-up area, then you might want to look at a machine with a bit more silent running.

2.5 HP Big Bore Air Compressor

This is one of the more heavy duty compressors that you can get on this list. Not only does it have an oil-lubricated pump, but it actually produces enough power to run two nail guns at once.

This handle is great for portability, so if you are working multiple job across town, then this will be the perfect addition to your tool kit – introducing 2.5 HP Big Bore Air Compressor.

This comes with a durable cast iron cylinder which really will be able to withstand the repeated nailgunning of your pistol itself.

This comes with a handle that really helps with portability, so if you are working across town, you can easily throw this one in the back of your truck and get it going immediately.

This has an oil indicator as well as an on and off switch and a pressure tank gauge that will help you to notice any sudden dips in temperature.

There are plenty of components that you can use to monitor the state of your air compressor, which is very important for monitoring this particular piece of equipment.


  • This is made from an oil lubricated pump, so you won’t have to worry about your nails coming through nice and smooth. This is important for having a dead-center nail alignment.
  • This runs at 1,730 RPM, which gives you a very powerful nail gun operation when you need it the most. This has enough juice to operate two nail guns at the same time.
  • This is a very compact unit that is very easy to operate. You won’t have to worry about it taking up too much space on your work bench if you are thinking about using it for intensive work.
  • This is probably the most durable of all the air compressors that we’ve listed here, made from solid steel and cast iron components, this is indeed an air compressor for life.


  • This air compressor has components on all sides, which can really impede how you handle this machine. You won’t want pieces to break off over time.

Ultra Quiet Air Compressor 2.0 HP

This next machine has a much lower decibel running operation, meaning that you won’t be waking up the neighbors when you run it next time.

This comes with a 4.6-Gallon twin tank that you can use to power the compressor for hours at a time without it overheating or malfunctioning – introducing the Ultra Quiet Air Compressor 2.0 HP.

This comes with exceptionally low maintenance which means that you won’t have to worry about having to look at the manual and taking a few hours to repair it.

This operates at a very impressive 1,680 RPM, which is great for hammering lots of nails into the wall multiple times in the day.

This will not suffer from impeded air flow, which is very important when you are using your air gun multiple times in the day.

The noise levels are nice and low, which is very important if you are working in a built up area and want to keep the noise complaints down to a minimum.

This is a very lightweight compressor, giving you the ability to be able to carry it. This will certainly matter to people who are using this for their job and will want to port it from job to job.

This will really reduce the amount of pollution, there is no reason to have this machine and not have to worry about it malfunctioning.


  • This has a very low emissions output, which is great if you are using this in close quarters with very little room to maneuver.
  • This has a 70 decibel output, making it one of the quietest running machines that you have on the market. We would recommend getting this for smaller nail firing jobs.
  • This is one of the most compact units, it won’t take up too much space in your living room. You also won’t have to worry about it hurting your back lugging this one up the stairs.
  • This comes with an easy-to-use operation, so you won’t have to concern yourself with having to read pages and pages of a manual.


  • Some users have complained that this one is quite cumbersome to use, which might be a problem if you are using it to decorate multiple rooms in your house.

Compressor Combo Kit

Our final air compressor is very powerful, coming with everything that you need for driving in hundreds of nails into the wood or the wall in the space of just a few hours.

This one uses a 6-gallon tank that you can be sure will give you a hassle-free operation. This is also one of the cheapest units with state-of-the-art technology – introducing Compressor Combo Kit.

This has a 15 foot hose, so you can be sure of being able to reach up to the ceiling if you need to fix a ceiling fitting in place. This comes with an oil-free pump, which means very little mess and plenty of power.

This will also save you money having to buy extra oil, which might be difficult for some people.

This has a straightforward design that even the most inexperienced DIY enthusiast will be able to use.

This is very compatible with lots of different nail gun heads, so you won’t have to worry about switching heads halfway through a job. This is probably the most flexible air compressor on this list.


  • This is a very sturdy unit, with rubber in the feet that will help keep the air compressor sturdy when you are working for hours at a time.
  • This comes with an impressive 6-gallon tank, which means you can operate this nail gun for much longer without any overheating.
  • This has a 15 foot air hose, which makes it a great unit for going around corners. You’ll be able to nail things into the wall without having to pick up the compressor itself.
  • This has plenty of tools around the side of the air compressor itself, making it great for monitoring your core pressure as well as storing various tools.


  • This cannot run many tools at once, making it one of the more difficult machines to operate. This might put off people who are very new to the subject of DIY.

Buyer’s Guide

When picking up your air compressor, it will be very important to get the right model for your needs. There are plenty of different styles of compressor, from pancake to wheelbarrow to hot dog.

It will be easy to get confused with all this food-based terminology. Here’s what features to look for:

How Much PSI Does It Provide?

This is when you know how much pressure that it delivers through the nail gun itself. This will affect the efficiency, power and speed at which you can drive the nails through your surface.

If you are dealing with a heavy-duty workload, then we would recommend that you get something with a higher PSI. This is very important for multiple jobs in one go and having to deal with multiple surfaces.

How portable Is It?

Having a unit that you can carry is very important, especially if you are using it for your business and might have to lug it from your pickup truck to various houses multiple times in one day.

Having a portable unit will also be important for use in just one house. If you are renovating a larger house with multiple rooms, you won’t want anything that is going to weigh you down when you are carrying it.

Other nail gun related pages you may be interested in reading:

Frequently Asked Questions

What Different Types Of Air Compressor Are There?

There are numerous types of air compressor, all of which have very different operating functions and methods of working.

Here’s a list of a few different types of air compressor so that you can make a more informed decision when buying for your needs:

  • Pancake compressors – This type of compressor has storage containers in the bottom which will help you with the stability of your air compression unit. These hold less air and are not that versatile when it comes to fitting with different heads.
  • Wheelbarrow compressors – These have wheels and can be transported very easily. This will definitely be a must-have for most working DIY specialists.
  • Hot dog compressors – these are, like the name suggests, very long and cylindrical, giving you everything you need for portability and decent pressure.
  • Twin-stack compressors – These compressors hold a lot more air than most other compressors, although the downside is that they are a lot more unwieldy.
  • Stationery compressors – like the name suggests, these types of compressors are fixed to the floor. They contain a lot of air, but they cannot be moved anywhere, which makes it awkward to transport.

By Aidan Weeks

A passionate Mechanical Engineer with endless enthusiasm for fluid power - building off the back of over 18 years of high quality contribution and discussion stimulated by Bill Wade here at About Air Compressors. With both practical and theoretical experience in pneumatics and hydraulics, I'm putting my knowledge to work - and working my grey-matter through my research, assistance and publishing work here at About Air Compressors. Feel free to reach out any time! P.S. A HUGE shout out to Doug who really offers such great value to all visitors to About Air Compressors - once again, feeling like I'm standing on the shoulders of GIANTS by getting to work alongside such a great community

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